A Case Study in Curriculum Change on Practicum in A Tesl Programme in Two Malaysian Institutions of Higher Learning


  • Ramesh Sathappan Teacher Education Institute/OUM
  • Premaraj Gurusamy Kolej Matrikulasi Kejuruteraan Johor/UTM, Malaysia




Curriculum Change, Practicum, Pre-service Teachers


This study attempts to explain the importance of curriculum change in Higher Learning Institutions. It’s objectives were to identify the similarities and differences between two institutions of Higher Learning in terms of curriculum structure, teaching process and teachers’ digital skills and also examine whether the curriculum change in their respective training programmes produce better quality teachers in Malaysian schools. A qualitative research incorporating questionnaire, document analysis and interviews was conducted to obtain the results.. The data obtained from the study participants were analyzed qualitatively. The findings of the study reveal that (i) both the Higher Learning Institutions have similarities in prioratizing subject matter, professional standards and practical training (ii) Both of them share the same view that curriculum change has produced better quality teachers. The study concludes by predicting there will be more innovative changes in curriculum designing in the Higher Learning Institutions in future. However, it has recommended more classroom activities for students.


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Author Biography

Ramesh Sathappan, Teacher Education Institute/OUM

Department of Languages, Temenggong Ibrahim Teacher Education Institute/OUM, Johor, Malaysia,


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How to Cite

Sathappan, R., & Gurusamy, P. (2020). A Case Study in Curriculum Change on Practicum in A Tesl Programme in Two Malaysian Institutions of Higher Learning. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH, 15, 11–26. https://doi.org/10.24297/jssr.v15i.8596


