Using Quinclorac to Control Annual Grasses and Palmer Amaranth in Grain Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)
yield, Texas millet, postemergence, Palmer amaranth, Broadleaf signalgrassAbstract
Field studies were conducted during the 2015 and 2016 growing seasons in south-central Texas to determine control of Palmer amaranth and annual grasses along with grain sorghum tolerance to quinclorac alone and in various combinations when applied to weeds < 5 cm (EPOST) or 10 to 16 cm tall (LPOST). When evaluated late-season quinclorac alone at 0.43 kg ae ha-1 controlled broadleaf signalgrass 72% when applied EPOST and 91% when applied LPOST. Combinations of quinclorac with either atrazine, pyrasulfotole + bromoxynil, dicamba, or dimethenamid-P controlled Palmer amaranth 88 to 100% when applied EPOST or LPOST; however, broadleaf signalgrass control with these combination was better when applied LPOST (75 to 95%) compared with EPOST (37 to 72%) applications. Texas millet control with quinclorac was poor in both years and was never greater than 54%. Quinclorac plus either atrazine, pyrasulfotole + bromoxynil, dicamba, or atrazine + dimethenamid-P caused at least 20% sorghum injury at one of three locations. No yield reductions from the untreated check were noted in either year; however, in 2016 all treatments with the exception of quinclorac alone at 0.29 kg ha-1 applied EPOST, quinclorac + pyrasulfotole + bromoxynil applied LPOST, quinclorac + atrazine + pyrasulfotole + bromoxynil applied LPOST, and quinclorac + dicamba at either application timing produced yields that were greater than the untreated check.
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