Cultural Globalisation and Infiltration of Yoruba Family Value System in Ado-Odo Ota Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria.
infiltration, foreign culture, Yoruba family value, Cultural globalizationAbstract
This study examined the challenges associated with cultural globalization on the Yoruba family value system in Ado-Odo Ota LGA., Ogun state. The research design for this study is cross-sectional. A structured questionnaire was utilized to elicit quantitative data from 230 respondents. The data from the questionnaire were analysed statistically and presented in a descriptive manner, while the formulated hypotheses were tested using Chi square test. The findings showed that there is a significant relationship between Yoruba indigenous family values and the modern Yoruba family values (X2=15.261, df=4, p < .05). This result negates the formulated null hypothesis 1 and it was rejected. In the same vein, a significant relationship also exist between the benefits of harmonising the Yoruba cultural family values with western culture and its consequences on the youth in Ado-Odo Ota LGA., Ogun State [r(228)= 0.441, p < .05]. This findings negated the formulated null hypothesis 2 and it was rejected. The study recommended that the teaching of the Yoruba indigenous family values and cultures should be encouraged across all educational systems in the Southwest Nigeria to maintain its existence. Similarly, parents should teach their kids to imbibe the right morals and social values that will uphold the indigenous family values in them. Finally, the output of the media outfits, and what is obtainable on the internet should be censored, monitored, and controlled by the governments while the parents should play prominent roles to do the same.
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