Social skills based approach in the workplace during a union negotiation process: methodological development in an industrial environment

Identifying social skills in negotiation


  • Emilie Atze UPJV
  • Gérard Vallery UPJV



social skills, trade-union negotiation, communication, relations, social skills glossary, in situ observations, self-confrontation, social dialogue


The present research focuses on social skills in a workplace. In this article, we propose an elaborate way to identify and collect social skills observed in situ in the innovative context of labor-union negotiations. This methodological system includes the creation of specific tools, observations in real situations, films and some interviews such as self-confrontations. Results demonstrate that the proposed method dynamically integrates various steps designed to expose the existence of social skills in a developmental context with challenging and sometimes conflicting issues. Identifying the essential social skills in labor-union negotiation allows consideration of the place of vocational training in the development of these skills in negotiation situations and, more widely, in the field of social dialogue.


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How to Cite

Atze, E., & Vallery, G. (2018). Social skills based approach in the workplace during a union negotiation process: methodological development in an industrial environment: Identifying social skills in negotiation. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH, 12(2), 2764–2782.


