What does our faith mean when faced with a disaster?

An exploratory investigation into how those affected by hurricane Katrina used their faith and the differences by denomination.


  • Alison Marie Simons Texas Wesleyan University




hurricane katrina, Faith, New Orleans, social vulnerability


Disasters are a prominent feature of our lives as they appear to become more devasting and more frequent. Though we understand the scientific nature of natural disasters there remains an element that maintains that natural disasters are under God’s control and sent for a reason. This study undertaken following Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans seeks to understand how people used their faith prior to, during in, and after the storm. Subsequently, the study finds that different denominations exhibit different behaviors and practices prior to, during and after the storm. These practices are consistent with differences in social class and race: those with fewer resources relying more on their faith, believing in a more direct link to God, and maintaining that God sent the storm as part of His plan to re-direct their life.


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How to Cite

Simons, A. M. (2018). What does our faith mean when faced with a disaster? An exploratory investigation into how those affected by hurricane Katrina used their faith and the differences by denomination. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH, 12(2), 2732–2746. https://doi.org/10.24297/jssr.v12i2.7535


