Celestial Mechanics: The Non-Stability of The Newtonian Model


  • Gabriel Barceló




Theory of Dynamic Interactions, Orbital instabilities, Dynamic Interactions, Rotational Dynamics, instability, Solar System


Multiple researchers and the three-body problem highlight a potential instability in the Classic model of the Solar System, indicating a possible fundamental instability in the system's dynamics.

Therefore, we consider that the Classical model does not reflect reality, and we propose an alternative model that we call: Theory of Dynamic Interactions, providing a brief exposition of the studies carried out by Advanced Dynamics, until defining a Rotational Dynamics of Interactions, applicable to bodies subjected to multiple pairs of successive non-coaxial forces.


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How to Cite

Barceló, G. (2024). Celestial Mechanics: The Non-Stability of The Newtonian Model. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN PHYSICS, 22, 242–248. https://doi.org/10.24297/jap.v22i.9664


