The Structure of Space and its Impact on Interplanetary Travel and Answers to Fundamental Cosmological Questions


  • Natalia Julia Sobolewska Physics department, Theoretical physics, HTS High Technology Solutions, Poland
  • Joanna Paulina Sobolewska Physics department, Theoretical physics, HTS High Technology Solutions, Poland
  • Marek Juliusz Sobolewski Physics department, Theoretical physics, HTS High Technology Solutions, Poland
  • Michał Amadeusz Sobolewski Physics department, Theoretical physics, HTS High Technology Solutions, Poland
  • Dariusz Stanisław Sobolewski HTS High Technology Solutions



Interstellar Travel, Gravitational interactions, Curvature of the space, Cosmology, Theory of Space, Radius of the universe, Curvature of the hypersurface alpha, Curvature of the hypersurface beta, Universes, Poznań constant, Gdańsk constant


The article presents the far-reaching implications of the theory entitled "Theory of Space" (Sobolewski D. S., Theory of Space, 2016) (Sobolewski D. S., Theory of Space, 2017) (Sobolewski D. S., Theory of Space, 2022 - new unpublished edition) and of the publication "New Generations of Rocket Engines" (Sobolewska, Sobolewska, Sobolewski, Sobolewski, & Sobolewski, 2021). Among others, it presents the shape of curved space in E4 for selected planets of the solar system and the Sun, taking into account boundary hypersurfaces  and gravitational interactions. The existence of space tunnels was analysed and the perspective of new technologies enabling interplanetary travel was outlined. Furthermore, due to the revealed structure of space, cosmological issues including the existence of other Universes and possible effects of their interactions are addressed. The constant Gdańsk was also introduced GGdańsk which, together with the introduced equation, makes it possible to determine the maximum immersion depth of an astronomical object of mass M.


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Sobolewska, N. J., Sobolewska, J. P., Sobolewski, M. J., Sobolewski, M. A., & Sobolewski, D. S. (2021). New Generations of Rocket Engines. Berlin: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.

Sobolewski, D. S. (2016). Theory of Space. Cambridge International Science Publishing Ltd. and Viva Books Private Limited.

Sobolewski, D. S. (2017). Theory of Space. HTS High Technology Solutions.

Sobolewski, D. S. (2022 - new unpublished edition). Theory of Space. Poznań: HTS High Technology Solutions.

Sobolewski, D. S., Sobolewski, M. A., Sobolewski, M. J., Sobolewska, J. P., & Sobolewska, N. J. (2020, May 22). New Generations of Rocket Engines. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN PHYSICS, pp. 322-346.

Sobolewski, M. J., Sobolewski, M. A., & Sobolewski, D. S. (2017, July). Geometry of the Dark Matter and Preliminary Analysis of Alpha and Beta Photons’ Properties Based on Theory of Space. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science.




How to Cite

Sobolewska, N. J., Sobolewska, J. P., Sobolewski, M. J., Sobolewski, M. A., & Sobolewski, D. S. (2022). The Structure of Space and its Impact on Interplanetary Travel and Answers to Fundamental Cosmological Questions. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN PHYSICS, 20, 53–100.


