Sound as a transverse wave


  • Armando T. Canero Universidad de Buenos Aires



sound, wave, transverse, phonons, gravitational wave.


This paper presents sound propagation based on a transverse wave model which does not collide with the interpretation of physical events based on the longitudinal wave model, but responds to the correspondence principle and allows interpreting a significant number of scientific experiments that do not follow the longitudinal wave model. Among the problems that are solved are: the interpretation of the location of nodes and antinodes in a Kundt tube of classical mechanics, the traslation of phonons in the vacuum interparticle of quantum mechanics and gravitational waves in relativistic mechanics.


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Author Biography

Armando T. Canero, Universidad de Buenos Aires

FIUBA Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad de Buenos Aires. Departamento de Física. Docente.


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How to Cite

Canero, A. T. (2017). Sound as a transverse wave. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN PHYSICS, 13(1), 4522–4534.


