On Spectral-Homotopy Perturbation Method Solution of Nonlinear Differential Equations in Bounded Domains


  • Ahmed A. Khidir Faculty of Technology of Mathematical Sciences and Statistics, Alneelain University, Algamhoria Street, P.O. Box 12702, Khartoum - Sudan




Chebyshev spectral method, Homotopy perturbation method, nonlinear boundary value problems


In this study, a combination of the hybrid Chebyshev spectral technique and the homotopy perturbation method is used to construct an iteration algorithm for solving nonlinear boundary value problems. Test problems are solved in order to demonstrate the efficiency, accuracy and reliability of the new technique and comparisons are made between the obtained results and exact solutions. The results demonstrate that the new spectral homotopy perturbation method is more efficient and converges faster than the standard homotopy analysis method. The methodology presented in the work is useful for solving the BVPs consisting of more than one differential equation in bounded domains. 


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How to Cite

A. Khidir, A. (2018). On Spectral-Homotopy Perturbation Method Solution of Nonlinear Differential Equations in Bounded Domains. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN PHYSICS, 1(1), 25–37. https://doi.org/10.24297/jap.v1i1.2141


