A Study of The Density Property in Module Theory
Dense Module, Semisimple Module, Essential Submodule, Divisible Module, Artinian ModuleAbstract
In this paper, there are two main objectives. The first objective is to study the relationship between the density property and some modules in detail, for instance; semisimple and divisible modules. The Addition complement has a good relationship with the density property of the modules as this importance is highlighted by any submodule N of M has an addition complement with Rad(M)=0. The second objective is to clarify the relationship between the density property and the essential submodules with some examples. As an example of this relationship, we studied the torsion-free module and its relationship with the essential submodules in module M.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Majid Mohammed Abed, Fatema F. Kareem

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