If the propagator of QED were reversed, the mathematics of Nature would be much simpler
Quantum ElectroDynamics, quantum field theory, Theory of Elementary Waves, TEW, quantum weirdness, richard feynmanAbstract
In Quantum ElectroDynamics (QED) the propagator is a function that describes the probability amplitude of a particle going from point A to B. It summarizes the many paths of Feynman’s path integral approach. We propose a reverse propagator (R-propagator) that, prior to the particle’s emission, summarizes every possible path from B to A. Wave function collapse occurs at point A when the particle randomly chooses one and only one of many incident paths to follow backwards with a probability of one, so it inevitably strikes detector B. The propagator and R-propagator both calculate the same probability amplitude. The R-propagator has an advantage over the propagator because it solves a contradiction inside QED, namely QED says a particle must take EVERY path from A to B. With our model the particle only takes one path. The R-propagator had already taken every path into account. We propose that this tiny, infinitesimal change from propagator to R-propagator would vastly simplify the mathematics of Nature. Many experiments that currently describe the quantum world as weird, change their meaning and no longer say that. The quantum world looks and acts like the classical world of everyday experience.
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