Convergence Theorems of Iterative Schemes For Nonexpansive Mappings


  • Inaam Mohammed Ali Hadi College of Education for Pure Sciences (Ibn-Al-Haitham) , University Of Baghdad
  • Dr. salwa Salman Abd College of Education for Pure Sciences (Ibn-Al-Haitham) , University Of Baghdad



In this paper, we give a type of iterative scheme for sequence of nonexpansive mappings and we study the strongly convergence of these schemes in real Hilbert space to common fixed point which is also a solution of a variational inequality. Also there are some consequent of this results in convex analysis


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Author Biographies

Inaam Mohammed Ali Hadi, College of Education for Pure Sciences (Ibn-Al-Haitham) , University Of Baghdad

Department Of Mathematics

Dr. salwa Salman Abd, College of Education for Pure Sciences (Ibn-Al-Haitham) , University Of Baghdad

Department Of Mathematics


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How to Cite

Ali Hadi, I. M., & Salman Abd, D. salwa. (2017). Convergence Theorems of Iterative Schemes For Nonexpansive Mappings. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS, 12(12), 6845–6851.




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