Nondestructive Testing of Lettuce Nitrogen Stress Based on Multidimensional Image
Information fusion, 3D laser scanning, Hyperspectral images, Nitrogen, LettuceAbstract
Visible light near infrared (VS-NIR) hyperspectral combined with three-dimensional laser scanning was applied to extract the VS-NIR features of lettuce nitrogen between 400-1700 nm and 3D morphological features of the plants. Such combination realizes the rapid quantitative detection of lettuce nitrogen. This study is based on the hyperspectral image data cube achieved from lettuce leaves with different nitrogen levels. Stepwise regression sensitive area was used and adaptive band selection method was combined to extract the characteristic spectrum and feature image of lettuce nitrogen and characterize the average image intensity. Also; the error caused by moisture variation content in lettuce nitrogen image features was compensated. Then a model of lettuce nitrogen hyperspectral image diagnosis was built. The reverse engineering software Geomagic Qualify was used to repair and smooth interference noise and discontinuous range which are based on the 3D laser scanning data of lettuce. Accordingly, the stem diameter, plant height, leaf area, and biomass features of different nitrogen levels of lettuce are obtained and the model of nitrogen detection about lettuce growth features was built based on reverse engineering and integral method. Multi-scale fusion lettuce nitrogen detection model is built by using the acquired hyperspectral images with growing features of lettuce nitrogen and adopting genetic algorithm combined with partial least squares regression. Results show the correlation coefficient R of the built model is 0.95; the model precision is much better than single feature of hyperspectral images and 3D laser scanning model. The feature extraction algorithm and the eigenvectors provide the reference for development of facilities for online monitoring system of crop growth information.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Bao Guo Shen, Jin Yue Dai, Xiao Dong Zhang, Zhao Hui Duan

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