Inverted Beta Lindley Distribution


  • Neveen Kilany Faculty of Science, Menoufia University
  • H M Atallah Faculty of Science, Menoufia University



Inverted beta distribution, Lindley distribution, Maximum likelihood estimation, Bladder cancer data, Hazard function, Goodness–of–fit.


In this paper, a three-parameter continuous distribution, namely, Inverted Beta-Lindley (IBL) distribution is proposed and studied. The new model turns out to be quite flexible for analyzing positive data and has various shapes of density and hazard rate functions. Several statistical properties associated with this distribution are derived. Moreover, point estimation via method of moments and maximum likelihood method are studied and the observed information matrix is derived. An application of the new model to real data shows that it can give consistently a better fit than other important lifetime models.


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How to Cite

Kilany, N., & Atallah, H. M. (2017). Inverted Beta Lindley Distribution. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS, 13(1), 7074–7086.


