A multidimensional EEG feature extraction attention detection for BCI System
Attention Detection, EEG, SVM, BCI, Feature ExtractionAbstract
Brain-computer interface (BCI) systems are highly valued for their applications in medicine and biology, where accurate analysis of attention levels and electroencephalography (EEG) data is crucial for the success rate of BCI systems. To improve this aspect, we propose to perform attention level determination prior to the execution of the BCI system. To accurately determine the level of attention, we propose a novel feature extraction approach that involves multidimensional feature extraction across multiple frequency bands of EEG data. The multi frequency band waveforms extracted using this method can be cross validated, thereby increasing the robustness of our research. We used publicly available datasets to train a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier to develop an efficient attention detection system, and developed a system for collecting EEG data to validate attention levels. The effectiveness and accuracy of the multidimensional feature extraction method was validated by classifying the data collected by the attention detection system. This study highlights the potential of integrating attention detection into BCI systems, pathways for advances in brain science research.
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