Serum Osteopontin Growth hormone , and Other Biochemical Parameters in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia


  • Atheer A. Mehde Health and Medical Technical College, Baghdad
  • Wesen A. Mehdi College of sciences for women, university of Baghdad
  • Karima F. Ali College of Pharmacy ,AL-Mustansiriya University



Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), osteopontin (OPN), Growth hormone and iron


Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a custom of leukemia, or cancer of the white blood cells categorized by excess lymphoblasts and Chemotherapy is the initial treatment of choice. Most ALL patients will receive a combination of different treatments.Osteopontin (OPN) is a glycoprotein that cooperates with a variety of cell surface receptors, as well as several integrins and CD44. OPN is secreted by numerous human malignancies. We aimed to evaluate serum levels of osteopontin and growth hormone(GH) in patients with Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in childhood. We studied serum levels of OPN ,GH and other biochemical levels of 60 patients that diagnosis as  acute lymphoblastic leukemia.      

The mean levels of OPN were significantly higher in patients (10.00± 1.15 ng/ml) than in control (7.62± 0.60 ng/ml). The mean levels of GH levels were significantly lower in patients (2.98± 0.51ng/dl) than in control  (6.02± 1.00 ng/dl. The mean levels of the iron and total protein  in ALL patients  were (95.78± 10.11 µg/dl), (6.08 ± 1.16 g/dl)respectively. The present study  showed a significant  negative correlation between GH with  osteopontin (OPN) ,while there a positive significant  correlate  between GH with  hemoglobin  in patients group compared to control group. The present study Conclude that elevated levels of osteopontin and decreased GH levels at the diagnosis may predict an unfavorable result in  ALL childhood .


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Author Biographies

Atheer A. Mehde, Health and Medical Technical College, Baghdad

Department of Acceptable Analysis

Wesen A. Mehdi, College of sciences for women, university of Baghdad

Department of Chemistry




How to Cite

A. Mehde, A., A. Mehdi, W., & F. Ali, K. (2011). Serum Osteopontin Growth hormone , and Other Biochemical Parameters in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY, 7(1), 1169–1174.


