Mobile Health-monitoring System with Inference, Fall Detection, and Cardiovascular Prediction
health-monitoring, health-caring, wireless sensor, mobile network, inference, fall detection, cardiovascular prediction, data miningAbstract
As the lifetime of human being gets longer, the problems of chronic diseases grow more. In order to make sure the health statuses of patients are not getting worse, they must be health-monitored continuously in a long term. In this paper, a mobile health-monitoring system is built for patients in place of traditional health-caring manners, which not only gives patients more free spaces, but also can save medical resources, diagnose and predict diseases earlier. In the procedures of health-caring in-house and emergency treatment, a series of vital sensors are combined by integrating sensor network and wireless/mobile network technology to continuously transmit physiological signals of patients to a medical center in a real time, and then doctors can monitor the health statuses of patients exactly, thereby proceeding with diagnosing, recovering, and treatments.
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