A bi-objective algorithm for a reactive multi-skill project scheduling problem


  • Cheikh Dhib Université des Sciences de Technologie et de Medecine, Route NDB, Nouakchott
  • Ameur Soukhal Université François Rabelais, tours
  • Emmanuel Néron Université François Rabelais, tours
  • Hafedh Mohamed-Babou Ecole de Mines de Mauritanie
  • Bedine Kerim Albaha University, college of computer science and IT, Department of computer science bkerim@bu.edu.sa,




Scheduling, project scheduling, resource staffing, linear programming, mata-huristics, genetic algorithms


The aim of this paper is to present project scheduling problem met in a an industrial context. The focus is mainly to the reactive model. In fact, the predictive case was studied in previous works, and this paper presents a solution for a reactive version of the model studied before. We proposed a linear mathematical model for the problem and then we show that this model cannot be used in practice to the solve problem. Then we present a bi-objectve genetic algorithm proposed to solve this problem. Experiment results are provided also.


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How to Cite

Dhib, C., Soukhal, A., Néron, E., Mohamed-Babou, H., & Kerim, B. (2016). A bi-objective algorithm for a reactive multi-skill project scheduling problem. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS &Amp; TECHNOLOGY, 15(11), 7202–7212. https://doi.org/10.24297/ijct.v15i11.4366



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