A Comparative Evaluation of approaches for Model Testability


  • Pourya Nikfard Advanced Informatics School (AIS), University Technology Malaysia (UTM), International campus, Kuala Lumpur
  • Suhaimi Bin Ibrahim Advanced Informatics School (AIS), University Technology Malaysia (UTM), International campus, Kuala Lumpur
  • Babak Darvish Rohani Advanced Informatics School (AIS), University Technology Malaysia (UTM), International campus, Kuala Lumpur
  • Harihodin Bin Selamat Advanced Informatics School (AIS), University Technology Malaysia (UTM), International campus, Kuala Lumpur
  • Mohd Nazri Mahrin Advanced Informatics School (AIS), University Technology Malaysia (UTM), International campus, Kuala Lumpur




Design for testability is a very importantissue in software engineering. It becomes crucial in the case of Model Based Testing where models are generally not tested before using as input of Model Based Testing. The quality of design models (e.g.; UML models), has received less attention, which are main artifacts of any software design. Testability tends to make the validation phase more efficient in exposing faults during testing, and consequently to increase quality of the end-product to meet required specifications. Testability modeling has been researched for many years. Unfortunately, the modeling of a design for testability is often performed after the design is complete. This limits the functional use of the testability model to determining what level of test coverage is available in the design. This information may be useful to help assess whether a product meets the target requirement to achieve a desired level of test coverage, but has little pro-active effect on making the design more testable.


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How to Cite

Nikfard, P., Ibrahim, S. B., Rohani, B. D., Selamat, H. B., & Mahrin, M. N. (2013). A Comparative Evaluation of approaches for Model Testability. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS &Amp; TECHNOLOGY, 9(1), 948–955. https://doi.org/10.24297/ijct.v9i1.4157



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