Combination of water spinach (Ipomea aquatica) and bacteria for freshwater cryfish red claw (Cherax quadricarinatus) culture wastewater treatment in aquaponic system


  • Hefni Effendi Environmental Research Centre, Bogor Agricultural University



Aquaponic, water spinach, crayfish, water quality


The purpose of the study was to treat wastewater of freshwater crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) culture in aquaponic system using bacteria combination and water spinach (Ipomea aquatica). Aquaculture wastewater treatment using water spinach and bacteria combination in aquaponic system can improve water quality of cultivation media of freshwater crayfish, indicated by the decrease of 81% ammonia, 33% nitrate, and 89% orthophosphate. Negative correlation occurred between ammonia and cryfish growth. Positive correlation existed between dissolved oxygen and the length of cryfish. Negative correlation occurred between growth of water spinach with ammonia and orthophosphate concentration. Negative correlation occurred between the abundance of bacteria and ammonia concentration. Positive correlation occurred between the abundance of bacteria and the length as well as weight of the cryfish.


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How to Cite

Effendi, H. (2015). Combination of water spinach (Ipomea aquatica) and bacteria for freshwater cryfish red claw (Cherax quadricarinatus) culture wastewater treatment in aquaponic system. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN BIOLOGY, 6(3), 1072–1078.


