Design and Implement Beacon based scheme for Node Localization in Underwater Acoustic Network
Localization, Beacons, Underwater Acoustic NetworkAbstract
A network that can sense the surroundings and collected all the information from the sensor nodes and passed it to the base station is known as a wireless sensor network. The underwater acoustic networks are the type of network deployed under the oceans and passed information to the base station. Due to the dynamic nature of the network, nodes change their location at any time. To maximum aggregate information from the sensor nodes, to estimate exact node location is very important. The sensor node position estimation is a major issue of the underwater acoustic network. The process of estimating node position is called node localization. In the existing RSSI based approach for the node, localization has a high delay, which reduces its efficiency. The technique needs to be designed, which localizes more nodes in less amount of time. This research is based on the advancement of the range based scheme for node localization. In the proposed scheme, mobile beacons are responsible for node localization. The beacon nodes send beacon messages in the network, and sensor nodes respond back with a reply message. When two beacons receive the reply of a sensor node that is considered as a localized node, the sensor nodes which are already localized will not respond back to the beacon messages, which reduce delay in the network for node localization.
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