Twitter Privacy Concern: The Effect of Twitter Profile

The Effect of Twitter Profile


  • Jehad Al Amri Taif University



Social Media, Twitter, Privacy, Saudi Arabia


Privacy concern vary from one to another. Sensitive information related to finance and health are most of the concern. The vast spread of using social media/ micro-blogging platforms, i.e. Twitter, as a desirable channel of online communication, has changed the peoples' understanding of what is private communication and whether they should or should not be concerned about their privacy. This paper examines the relationship between the level of privacy concern of Twitter users and their gender, experience on Twitter, type of their Twitter account and type of their username. A survey in the form of a questionnaire has been conducted in Saudi Arabia. The research compares privacy concern from the perspective of male and female, old and new Twitter users, private and public account holders and nickname and real name username holders. Determining the Chi square and using T-test and ANOVA, this research shows that the individual’s privacy concerns are affected by the Twitter users’ profile; gender, number of the years on Twitter, the type of Twitter account and username.


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Author Biography

Jehad Al Amri, Taif University

Taif University


Saudi Arabia Social Media Statistics 2018, from:

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How to Cite

Al Amri, J. (2020). Twitter Privacy Concern: The Effect of Twitter Profile: The Effect of Twitter Profile. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS &Amp; TECHNOLOGY, 20, 22–37.



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