E-government Implementation in Developing Countries: A Literature Review


  • Esam Mohamed El gohary Institute of National Planning




E-government in developing countries, challenges of e-government, e-government obstacles, implementing e-government


Recently, due to the numerous benefits of e-government implementation, so it becomes inevitable for both developed and developing countries. However, the benefits of implementing e-government, it faces many challenges in developing countries. In this regard many studies were conducted on a number of developing countries in order to determine the challenges to e-government implementation. This article conducted to review the most important studies in this regard and focus on the most common challenges to e-government implementation in developing countries. From the related literature it clears that the most common challenges to e-government in developing countries are represented in five categories; technical challenges, organizational challenges, social issues, financial challenges and human challenges, such category include a number of factors. All these challenges have a direct or indirect effect on each other. So governments in developing countries have to focus on these five categories and seeking for treat them


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How to Cite

El gohary, E. M. (2017). E-government Implementation in Developing Countries: A Literature Review. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS &Amp; TECHNOLOGY, 16(1), 7510–7524. https://doi.org/10.24297/ijct.v16i1.8371



Research Articles