Image Processing: Capturing Student Attendance Data
Attendance List, Image Processing, Attendance List Image using LVQAbstract
Role of the student attendance record is very important in the primary, secondary, and tertiary education. The purpose of this record is monitoring student activity in the teaching and learning process and regarded as one of the important learning assessments. Moreover, a data processing for recording the student attendance is currently done in various ways such as fingerprint, radio frequent identification (RFID), facial recognition system, android-based application, and others. However, many conventional ways (i.e., using paper-based system) are still used, especially in Indonesia. This is because several universities still rarely have enough funds for developing innovative systems. In this research, the image processing application for capturing student attendance data was built. The objective of this research was to provide an efficient alternative to monitor student activities in teaching and learning process. The image processing produced the information related to student attendance by scanning the attendance file through jpg/jpeg using learning vector quantization (LVG) as the process model.
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