A new modified homotopy perturbation method for fractional partial differential equations with proportional delay


  • Ahmad. A. H. Mtawal Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education Almarj, Benghazi University, Almarj, Libya
  • Sameehah R. Alkaleeli Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and Science Almarj, Benghazi University, Almarj, Libya




Homotopy perturbation method, Shehu transforms method, Selected: time-fractional partial differential equations, TFPDEs


In this paper, we suggest and analyze a technique by combining the Shehu transform method and the homotopy perturbation method. This method is called the Shehu transform homotopy method (STHM). This method is used to solve the time-fractional partial differential equations (TFPDEs) with proportional delay. The fractional derivative is described in Caputo's sense. The solutions proposed in the series converge rapidly to the exact solution. Some examples are solved to show the STHM is easy to apply.


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How to Cite

Ahmad. A. H. Mtawal, & Sameehah. R. Alkaleeli. (2020). A new modified homotopy perturbation method for fractional partial differential equations with proportional delay . JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS, 19, 58–73. https://doi.org/10.24297/jam.v19i.8876


